Fundy Loves...

One of the biggest problems photographers have is in pricing their work. Even photographers who have been in business for years have trouble with this. One of the main reasons, is that they forget to consider their own time when they cost their goods. This is a simple pricing calculator which will give you minimum retail pricing. Again this is minimum retail pricing. Again, this is the minimum you will need to charge to keep a roof over your head and make you enough to live off of. You will want to price up from here depending on the factors of your market and your position in that market. If you start pricing under this, you'll be working 60 hours a week and barely making enough to make ends meet. Seriously, don't charge less than this.

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Print, Canvas How to:

The calculator is quite self-explanatory. Hourly wage is the wage you would have to pay in your market to get someone to retouch, design, order prints, etc. (i.e. do the dirty work for you). Other costs are, for example, album design. Do you pay someone to design for you? Put that cost in there. Don't forget shipping of the disc to you, etc.

Album Pricing How to:

The calculator is quite self-explainatory. You can calculate the regular prices of albums and also duplicate albums, where you take out the design cost. Be sure to factor in retouching time in the album design. I put $5 per page. I can actually move faster than that when designing. But this is a good average design time/wage. Remember, if you are new in your market, and a lower skill level, shoot for a 40% cost of goods. If you are above average with more experience, shoot for 20%.